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29.06.2014 23:00
SCI-spasticity-Span_BZEdits.pdf (390374)
29.06.2014 22:48
Dr. Allan Levi, director of clinical research at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis recently performed the world’s first nerve graft using a combination of a patient’s own nerve and her own Schwann cells in an attempt to repair a severely injured sciatic nerve. The FDA approved study took place...
29.06.2014 22:45
A major goal of discovery research is to identify novel therapeutic targets for treating human diseases. Lead by Dr. Robert Keane of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics with colleagues in The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, a new $1.6 million dollar small business award from NINDS...
29.06.2014 22:42
The broad scope of research carried out at The Miami Project has focused on answering questions that help define human spinal cord injury and reveal strategies for the repair of damaged spinal tissue. The team has also made advances in knowledge that have improved the current care of people...
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